SeaWorld's Circus Now Released!
New SeaWorld show just elephant drowning in large tank of water with no explanation.
This satire is attacking seaworld. A new attraction that is meant to entertain visitors, an elephant drowning performance. On my point of view its saying that visitors like and get entertained watching animals being "tortured" and suffering. An elephant is a wild animal just like the orcas, even though orcas are aquatic and will not drown they still are not there because they want. Just like the elephants, the orcas suffer for being in captivity since they only have a tank to swim instead of an entire ocean, are fed only by their trainors and are separated from their families.
"Plus, the elephants absolutely love it." This quote said by a SeaWorld representative in the satire is referring to the orca attraction. The elephants do not like being there drowning so aren't the orcas happy to be there in captivity doing tricks to get fed, but seaworld workers say they love it so people don't feel bad for the orcas. The comparison shows viewers about how seaworld treats their animals.
Another point the satire might be mentioning is the "drowning" issue that has happened with the orca trainors. "the 12,000-pound animal reportedly grew increasingly panicked, making numerous futile attempts to scramble up and over the vertical sides of the enclosure." This description is similar on how the trainors behaved while being drowned by the orca. This satire is a fake news from site The Onion that is popular for making fake news about realistic issues.
Oh gosh - this is so awful! Can you even imagine? This satire helped me understand that while they might be watching the elephant drowning, the orcas are slowly being killed over time - their "drowning" is the park sucking the life out of them during captivity.